Professional Certification Agency for Productivity


In 2019, Asian Productivity Organisation (APO) established an Accreditation Body (AB) which aims to accredit and establish competency standards in the context of implementing certification for Productivity Specialists, Green Productivity Specialists and Public Sector Productivity Specialists. As for the process in question, 3 (three) schemes related to the certification in question have been established, namely: APO-GPS 101: 2019 Productivity Specialist, APO-GPS 201: 2019 Green Productivity Specialist and APO-GPS 301: 2019 Public-sector Productivity Specialist.

In order to support the implementation of the certification program, in 2020, APO has given a mandate to each member country to establish a Certification Body (CB) as an institution that will be tasked with carrying out the entire professional certification process in accordance with the certification scheme set by member countries. As for Indonesia, it is determined to carry out professional certification in the scheme APO-GPS 201: 2019 Green Productivity Specialist and Master Green Productivity Specialist.


PCAP Vission

To Be The Leading of the Productivity-Related Specialist Certification Body for Green Productivity In Indonesia And Expand The Recognitions of Green Productivity In Among APO Member Countries.

PCAP Mission

1.Implement quality assurance system in productivity certification of competency in Green Productivity.

2.Promote Green Productivity certification program to industry and professionals for Indonesia and APO member countries to be competent and productive.

3.Establish an industry benchmark for Green Productivity competency.

PCAP Tagline

Green Productivity for Better Tomorrow

Impartiality Statement:

“The Professional Certification Agency for Productivity (PCAP) is committed to maintaining impartiality in all certification activities. We ensure that all certification processes are carried out objectively, fairly, and are not influenced by external or internal interests. PCAP recognizes the importance of managing conflicts of interest and ensuring the integrity and objectivity of all certification activities. We are committed to implementing, maintaining, and continuously improving policies and procedures designed to manage potential conflicts of interest and maintain impartiality in our certification activities.”

Certification Policy:

“The Professional Certification Agency for Productivity (PCAP) is determined to provide quality and professional certification services to all candidates without discrimination or bias. Our certification policy guarantees that all processes, from application to awarding and maintaining certification, are carried out in accordance with relevant standards, established certification criteria, and with the principles of impartiality and transparency.
PCAP is committed to:

  • 1. Ensure a fair, objective and consistent certification process, professionally operated in accordance with international standards and regulatory requirements.
  • 2. Handle all information with confidentiality and integrity, and only share certification information with appropriate authorities.
  • 3. Manage conflicts of interest and ensure impartiality at all stages of the certification process.
  • 4. Provide equal access to all certification candidates and avoid discrimination based on age, sex, race, religion, nationality, social or economic status, or disability.
  • 5. Recognize and respond to complaints and appeals fairly, expeditiously, and objectively.

We are committed to continuously improving our certification system to meet and exceed the expectations of our stakeholders and maintain trust and integrity in the certification services we provide.”

PCAP Risk Register

No. Risk Risk Description Category Probability (Low/ Medium/High) Impact (Low/Medium/High) Risk Score (Probability x Impact) Mitigation Strategy Person in Charge Review Schedule
1 Data Leak Loss or leakage of client data due to cyberattacks or internal negligence. Technology / Information Security Medium High 6 Implementation of strong cybersecurity policies, security awareness training for all employees. Certification Manager 6 Monthly
2 Conflict of Interest Potential conflicts of interest between staff and certification candidates. Impartiality Medium High 6 Policies for managing and reporting conflicts of interest, regular internal audits. Quality Assurance Manager Annual
3 Misjudgment Errors in certification assessments that can hurt PCAP’s reputation. Operational Low High 3 Training of qualified assessors, cross-review process. Quality Assurance Manager Biannually
4 Changing Regulations Changes in regulations or certification standards that affect operations. Legal/Regulatory Low Medium 2 Monitor changes in regulations, team members to participate in industry forums. Administration Legal Advisor Annual
5 Resource Insufficiency Lack of staff or financial resources for effective operation. Finance / HR Medium Medium 4 Strategic resource planning, employee development. Administration Manager 6 Monthly

Note: The risk score is calculated by multiplying probability by impact, where the scale for both can be from 1 (low) to 3 (high).

Risk Register Management and Review Procedure

1. Creation and Update: Risk Registers should be created and updated regularly (e.g. every six months or annually) or when there are significant changes in PCAP operations or the external environment.

2. Staff Training: Conduct training sessions for relevant staff on risk management procedures and their specific responsibilities. This includes an introduction to the Risk Register and how to respond to risk.

3. Training Documentation: Document all training sessions and ensure staff understand the contents of the Risk Register and their role in risk mitigation.

4. Review and Review: Schedule regular reviews of the Risk Register to evaluate the effectiveness of mitigation strategies and make adjustments as needed.

5. Responsibility and Accountability: Designate the individual or team responsible for each risk and mitigation strategy and ensure they have the necessary resources to carry out those responsibilities.

Organizational Structure

Organizational Structure

Organizational Structure



1.Certified GP Specialists (Tier 1)

Code Units of Competency
Core competencies
APO-GPS CSTD-001 1) Promote concept of GP
APO-GPS CSTD-002 2) Implement GP methodology and its tools
APO-GPS CSTD-003 3) Implement techniques for GP
GP consultancy
APO-GPS CSTD-004 1) Prepare a plan for a GP implementation project
APO-GPS CSTD-005 2) Facilitate GP project implemetion
APO-GPS CSTD-006 3) Facilitate managing GP project implementation
GP training
APO-GPS CSTD-007 1)Undertake organizational training need analysis
APO-GPS CSTD-008 2)Design and develop learning program
APO-GPS CSTD-009 3)Design and develop learning resources
APO-GPS CSTD-010 4)Plan, organize, and deliver group- based learning in GP methodology and related techniques
GP promotion
APO-GPS CSTD-011 1) Develop GP implementation agenda for an organization
APO-GPS CSTD-012 2) Prepare a comprehensive GP promotion plan
APO-GPS CSTD-013 3) Prepare innovative dissemination materials based on GP themes

2. Master GP Specialists (Tier 2)

Code Units of Competency
GP Applied Research on Materials, Design, and Processes
APO-GPS CSTD-014 1) Conduct applied research on GP development
GP policy development
APO-GPS CSTD-015 1) Develop GP policy for an organization
APO-GPS CSTD-016 2) Develop public policy on GP



Prerequisites and Competency Requirements

Certified GP Specialists (Tier 1)

Area Prerequisite
Academic qualifications University degree or diploma with at least 5 years of work experience or equivalent or high school certificate with 10 years of work experience, or equivalent.
Prerequisite GP knowledge and understanding

Participants can apply for certification with the requirements for proof of competence originating from:

  • Training course or training of trainers and consultants in GP or
  • GP-related training program or
  • Equivalent national or international face-to-face and/or e-learning training program
Essential GP knowledge Completed the Certified Green Productivity Specialist (CGPS) Preparatory Course with at least 75% course attendance (exemptions with conditions may be offered by CBs).
CGPS written examination Passed the CGPS written examination conducted by the CB.
GP implementation experience and report submission

a) Carried out at least 1 GP assignment (consulting, training, promotion, or research) by providing service to a client in relation to implementing solutions to improve productivity and environmental performance.

b) Minimum of 360 work hours on consultancy, training, promotion, and/or research in the last 12 months (comprising advisory work, data collection, analysis, making recommendations, report writing, training design, and training on green productivity solutions that are part of the framework for green productivity improvement).

Submitted a project report to a CB.

Client testimonials Submit at least 1 positive testimonial from a client on a GP project undertaken.
Process skills Possess the skills outlined in Table 4.
People skills Possess the skills outlined in Table 5.

Certified Master GP Specialists (Tier 2)

Area Prerequisite
Professional qualifications Certified GP Specialist.
GP implementation experience and report submission

a) Carried out at least 5 GP assignments (consulting, promotion, training, or research) by providing service to clients in relation to implementing solutions to improve productivity and environmental performance

b) Submitted project reports to a CB.

Client testimonials Submitted at least 5 positive testimonials from clients on GP projects undertaken.
Process skills Possess the skills outlined in Table 4.
People skills Possess the skills outlined in Table 5.

PCAP Certification Process

Acceptance of certification application

  1. Provide information about requirements, evidence, types of evidence, proof rules, and competency certification processes.
  2. Provide an application form and self-assessment that must be filled out by prospective participants .
  3. Review assessment visibility based on needs
  4. Identification and establish competency test venue by the relevant parties in accordance with the competency test venue verification SOP
  5. Select and assign assessors in accordance with applicable provisions
  6. Determine Schedule then confirm it to Assessors and Assesse.

Review the completeness of the assessment requirements document

  1. Review the application form recording and make follow-up recommendations
  2. Review the plan and organization of assessments in the assessment planning document
  3. Review Assessment device as needed
  4. Conduct a pre-assessment consultation with the assessment according to the procedure
  5. Make reasonable adjustments, if necessary instruments and assessment methods are reviewed / reviewed according to the characteristics of participants
  6. Review the recording of the self-assessment form and provide follow-up assessment recommendations
  7. Organized and Scheduled Assessment by relevant parties.

Performing Competency Assessment Process

  1. Prepare Assessment Resource by the Assessment Team
  2. Invite assessment participants to follow the assessment process
  3. Assess in accordance with assessment procedures
  4. Reporting to Organization

Acceptance of certification application

  1. Assign a Technical Team for the assessment results verification process
  2. Verification of the Assesment process and recomendations to determine the certification decision
  3. Make a decision to grant a certificate with a decree signed by the personnel of the certification body who are authorized
  4. Issue competency certificate in accordance with the certification scheme submitted by participants
  5. Distribute certificates of competence to participants who submit assessments by handling proof of acceptance and commitment of certificate holders
  6. Inform the implementation of surveillance and recertification to certificate holders in accordance with procedures in professional certification bodies

List of certified perons of GP Specialist 2022

Show Data

No. Title of Decree Number of Decree Date of Decree Number of Competency Certificate
1. Decision of the Chairman of PCAP APO Scheme GPS-201:2019 GP Specialists about Portfolio Competency Test Results APO Scheme GPS-201:2019 Green Productivity Specialists NUMBER 2/008/PCAP.SK.01.07/IV/2022 25 April 2022 1. 201/01/GPS-PCAP/2022 (Prof. Drs. Anwar Sanusi, M.A., P.Hd.)
2. 201/02/GPS-PCAP/2022 (Prof. Dr.Bomer Pasaribu, S.H., S.E., M.S.)
3. 201/03/GPS-PCAP/2022 (Kunjung Masehat, S.H., M.M.)
4. 201/06/GPS-PCAP/2022 (Dr. Istiana Maftuchah)
5. 201/09/GPS-PCAP/2022 (Dr. Ghazmahadi, S.T., M.M.)
6. 201/10/GPS-PCAP/2022(Nurul Jannah)
7. 201/11/GPS-PCAP/2022 (Salsa Mulyata, S.H., M.Si)
8. 201/12/GPS-PCAP/2022 (Ade Syaekudin, S.H., M.M)
9. 201/13/GPS-PCAP/2022 (Beata Ratnawati, S.T., M.Si.)

List of certified persons of GP Specialist 2023

Show Data

No. Title of Decree Number of Decree Date of Decree Number of Competency Certificate
1. Decision of the Chairman Of PCAP APO Scheme GPS-201:2019 GP Specialists About Competency Test Results APO Scheme GPS-201:2019 Green Productivity Specialists NUMBER 2/001/PCAP.SK.01.01/XII/2023 22 December 2023 1. 201/01/GPS-PCAP/2023 (Fahmi Omam Fauzi)
2. 201/02/GPS-PCAP/2023 (Gina Aliya Sopha)
3. 201/03/GPS-PCAP/2023 (Muhammad Tasyar Hadian)